Preferences Manager is an Open Source application that allows you to seamlessly edit application's preferences.
This application requires a rooted phone! Without root access, it can't do anything.
Android provides several options for developers to save application data. The most frequent solution is the Shared Preferences framework. It's a simple way to store private primitive data in key-value pairs. Unfortunately, this method is not very secure... It consists in a simple XML file stored in the private folder, specific to the app. But in the case of a rooted device, theses files can be read, edited and even deleted.
Preferences Manager allows you to edit these preferences in a simple and easy way. You can for instance increase your highscores, modify your progression, or just debug your application preferences.
Disclaimer : I take no responsibility for any fault or damage caused by any procedures within this application. Do only use it if you really know what you are doing. I don't assume any liability if you brick your device or any application. If an application does not work properly anymore, you can clear its data from the Settings app. You may not use the application for any illegal or unauthorized purpose!
Preferensi Manager adalah sebuah aplikasi Open Source yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mulus mengedit preferensi aplikasi .
Aplikasi ini memerlukan ponsel berakar! Tanpa akses root, tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa .
Android menyediakan beberapa pilihan bagi pengembang untuk menyimpan data aplikasi. Yang paling sering adalah solusi kerangka Preferensi Bersama. Ini adalah cara sederhana untuk menyimpan data primitif swasta dalam pasangan kunci-nilai. Sayangnya, metode ini sangat tidak aman ... Ini terdiri dalam file XML sederhana disimpan dalam folder pribadi, khusus untuk app. Tapi dalam kasus perangkat berakar, file tesis dapat dibaca, diedit dan bahkan dihapus.
Preferensi Manager memungkinkan Anda untuk mengedit preferensi ini dengan cara yang sederhana dan mudah. Misalnya Anda dapat meningkatkan highscores Anda, memodifikasi kemajuan Anda, atau hanya men-debug aplikasi Anda preferensi.
Disclaimer: Saya tidak bertanggung jawab atas kesalahan atau kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh prosedur dalam aplikasi ini. Jangan hanya menggunakannya jika Anda benar-benar tahu apa yang Anda lakukan. Saya tidak bertanggung jawab apapun jika Anda bata perangkat atau aplikasi apapun. Jika sebuah aplikasi tidak bekerja dengan baik lagi, Anda dapat menghapus data dari aplikasi Pengaturan. Anda tidak dapat menggunakan aplikasi ini untuk tujuan ilegal atau tidak sah!
Preferences Manager is an Open Source application that allows you to seamlessly edit application's preferences.
This application requires a rooted phone! Without root access, it can't do anything.
Android provides several options for developers to save application data. The most frequent solution is the Shared Preferences framework. It's a simple way to store private primitive data in key-value pairs. Unfortunately, this method is not very secure... It consists in a simple XML file stored in the private folder, specific to the app. But in the case of a rooted device, theses files can be read, edited and even deleted.
Preferences Manager allows you to edit these preferences in a simple and easy way. You can for instance increase your highscores, modify your progression, or just debug your application preferences.
Disclaimer : I take no responsibility for any fault or damage caused by any procedures within this application. Do only use it if you really know what you are doing. I don't assume any liability if you brick your device or any application. If an application does not work properly anymore, you can clear its data from the Settings app. You may not use the application for any illegal or unauthorized purpose!